Investment Management
Aberle Investment Management provides investment advisory and portfolio management services that cater to each client*. Speaking of catering, we think that putting a customized portfolio together is much like following a recipe, and creating the most flavorful meal comes down to sourcing the right "ingredients."
To start, we determine your investment experience, attitude towards risk, and liquidity and income needs. Using scenario-focused stress testing tools, we then apply an investment management approach that balances long-term strategic factors with shorter-term tactical considerations. As long-term scenarios play out and short-term trends within the markets shift, we adjust the balance as needed to meet your investment objectives.
A closer look at our investment management process
Step 1: Forming a Macro View
Every 6 months (February and August), we form a big-picture outlook and allocation based on developing global themes using a mix of multiple data and research sources. This "macro view" helps us look beyond the near-term horizon to determine effective portfolio construction conditions. We use this step to inform our broad asset allocation within client portfolios.
Step 2: Shaping Portfolio Allocations
We drill down and identify specific sub-assets and strategies that will best serve our clients from our "macro view." Generally, we separate the sub-assets and strategies into either a "core" long-term camp or a "tactical" shorter-term camp.
Step 3: Stress-Testing the "What Ifs."
Once our portfolio allocations are mapped out, we use quantitative tools to stress test our strategies and identify potential weak links or missed opportunities in our thinking. Stress testing is a way of determining both the probability of events and the effects of such events on our client's portfolio outcomes. We can better shape our client portfolios through stress testing to be more adaptive to market factors.
Want to see how you and your portfolio score on a risk scale? Click below for free risk analysis.
Step 4: Tactical Tweaks
Though we advocate a longer-term perspective within our client portfolios, we create ample wiggle room to better adapt to near-term market expectations and events. We isolate positions that we consider more tactical and nearer-term in nature. This approach allows us to adjust at more of a position level when needed while leaving the rest of the portfolio alone. It is also a more cost- and tax-efficient process for our clients by allowing a more surgical adjustment when appropriate.
Step 5: Semi-Annual Recalibrations
Roughly six months into each year, we go back to Step 1, looking to see if our macro and/or thematic views still hold water. This review often provides us an opportunity to recalibrate client portfolios where needed.
*We do not provide securities custodial or other administrative services.